BEST AŞ. who founded to produce transformers in 1966, has played an important role in meeting our country’s energy needs and reducing our foreign dependency in its 52-year history.
Following the acquisition of AEG Genel Elektrik T.A.Ş by BEST in 2010, our company operates under the name of BETAŞ and performs turn-key power plants, switchyard and substation projects both in Turkey and abroad.
BALYEM, who was founded in 1968, under the leadership of Yırcalı family, is one of the first feed factory in Turkey. BALYEM, always supported modern and economic animal husbandry development in Turkey and made any type of investment in this direction.
This power plant, which has an installed capacity of 45 MW and is expected to produce 165 million kWh annually in total, meets the needs of approximately 100.000 households.
Yırcalı Group, the history of the activities in the energy sector dating back to the 1960s, has started to invest in renewable energy sources based on hydroelectricity and wind energy since the mid-1990s with the aim of spreading its contribution to the electromechanical industry of Turkey with BEST Transformer.
Provides the highest level of coordination between the company and the insured with its corporate structure, closely follows the insurance market with its innovative service approach and continues its service by prioritizing customer satisfaction.